Wine Tasting
Sip! Sip! Hooray!
Celebrate the return of summer and National Rose' Day with wine tasting at the Carbon County Arts Guild. This wine tasting event will be a chance to learn about specialty Rose’ wines, explore food pairings, enjoy samples of wine and noshes, plus have a chance to win prizes.
Cost is $50 per kit. Each kit includes two tickets for admission to the event, two bottles of specialty Rose' (one domestic & one French) from Red Lodge fine food shop Babcock & Miles, delicious noshes, and raffle tickets for fun surprises courtesy of Junction 7.
Space is limited. ONLY 25 kits will be sold. Kits can be purchased in person at 11 West 8th Street, by phone or online.
Enjoy this celebration of summer while supporting arts and culture in our community. If you can't attend please consider a donation to the Carbon County Arts Guild.