Collect the Resort Tax
The Carbon County Arts Guild & Depot Gallery is required by the City of Red Lodge to maintain a business license, apply for sign permits, reserve park space for our events, and collect and remit the resort tax. The City resort tax ordinance identifies attractions where goods and services are sold by any business that does not operate more than 90 consecutive days within a calendar year (temporary vendor) within the City of Red Lodge as a luxury and all sales are therefore subject to the resort tax.
As a non-profit organization in Carbon County, the City of Red Lodge graciously allows us to hold this event under the umbrella of our business license, without requiring you to pay for a temporary business license and pay the $500 bond, with the expectation that all vendors, including food vendors, will pay the resort tax at the end of the event.
The Guild works very hard to keep your costs to participate in this event as low as possible and ensure this event is successful for all vendors. You can help us tremendously by submitting the resort tax with the form we provide at the end of the event. If you have a current Red Lodge business license please let us know. All items are taxed at the Labor Day Arts Fair unless you have a Red Lodge business license. THERE ARE NO NON-TAXABLE ITEMS DURING THE LABOR DAY ARTS FAIR!