Abstract Beginnings with Connie Herberg

Instructor: Connie Herberg
Abstraction and design form the beginning processes of any creative endeavor. Understanding the basic principles of design and abstraction, an artist builds their art to its finished form, whatever that may be. Through this class we will look at masterful design concepts and exercise our own designs using markers, paint, and various other mark making materials, as we dig into some fun ways to understand and experience abstraction.
June 14-15, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. each day
Cost: $120 members, $135 non-members
Participants will need to provide their own acrylic paint (black, white, blue, yellow, red, burnt umber), sketchbook, and painting shirt/apron
Cancellation Policy:
If the participant cancels one week or more prior to the start of class, the registration cost will be refunded less a $10 processing fee. Registrations cancelled by the participant less than 7 days prior to the day of the class will not be refunded. If class is cancelled by the Arts Guild, registrations will be refunded at 100%.