Inspired by Song, CCAG Guild Member Exhibition

This themed exhibition is designed to highlight the creative work by our guild members. The theme, "Inspired by Song" is to draw attention to the creative juices that flow when listening to music. Songs range from classical, to country, to rock-n-roll, and the blues. In addition, this exhibition coincides with the annual Songwriters Festival that takes place in Red Lodge.
Join us from 2-6 p.m. at the Carbon County Arts Guild & Depot Gallery for the Saturday, June 8 Art Walk and play, "name that tune" by guessing at the song title of the artwork on view. You may be eligible to win a prize. Stop in during Art Walk and test your skills.
On Thursday, June 13, attend the artists reception and Chamber of Commerce After Hours event from 5:30-7 p.m. This is a chance to participate in the 50/50 raffle, win prizes, and view the art.
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS - Barbara Butler, Dwight Cushman, Ken Deaver, Dolly Frerichs, Mike Koski, Brian Langliers, Tess Lehman, Judy Liner, Bruce Marty, Judi McMurray, Christine Mullaney, Lara Myers, Diana Mysse, Dorci Newman-Tremblay, Lindi O'Brien, Pat Olding, Dominique Paulus, Cat Pentescu, Janice Polzin, Carrie Alicia Rhett, Lynn Shield, Lou Taylor, BR Walker, Richard Wallace, Charlene Wilson, Dana Zier and Jenny Zimmermann