Carbon County Arts Guild & Depot Gallery

10-5 Tuesday through Saturday
12-4 Sunday & Monday

10-5 Thursday, Friday, Saturday
12-4 Sunday & Monday

In order to provide quality customer service to visitors and member artists, we ask that artists make an appointment in advance with Guild staff to deliver or exchange art. Thank you.

News & Events

Event Calendar

Colors of the Wild, Art by Lynn Shield

Saturday, May 3, 2025Saturday, June 21, 2025

"Colors of the Wild" exhibition will be on view May 3 through June 21, 2025 in the north gallery at the Carbon County Arts Guild.

Lynn is a contemporary Western artist known for her vibrant and colorful paintings that capture the beauty of wildlife, horses, cowgirls and cowboys, and the western lifestyle. Her passion for art started at a young age, and throughout her career, she used her creative energy as a marketing professional in the aerospace industry and later in her own small marketing and web design firm.

Inspired by the beauty of Montana, Lynn decided to follow her dreams and become a full-time artist. She creates stunning works of art using traditional watercolors and Brusho® watercolor crystals, which allow her to achieve rich, vibrant hues. Lynn’s watercolors push the boundaries of the traditional medium as she utilizes new and innovative ways to display her work. She also uses alcohol inks to create unique and colorful abstract florals. Her love of color and passion for painting shines through in each of her works, which are created with high-quality materials and a keen eye for detail. When she isn’t painting, Lynn enjoys traveling with her life partner, Jeff, and drawing inspiration from the beauty of the world around her.

Shield states, “As a Western artist, I strive to capture the essence of the West in my bold and vibrant paintings. Inspired by the beauty of Montana, my artwork features horses, wildlife, cowgirls, and cowboys. With non-traditional materials like Brusho® crystal colors and alcohol inks, I achieve unique color variations that reflect my love of color and passion for painting. I infuse energy and excitement into my pieces by incorporating techniques such as splashing, splattering, and dripping paint. I’m always excited to see what’s next!”

A workshop in conjunction with Lynn's show will be on Saturday, May 10. For information check the website events calendar.