Student Art Show K-8
The 2021 Student Art Show features creative work from K-8 youth attending school in Fishtail, Fromberg, Joliet, Luther, Nye, Red Lodge, and Roberts. There is a wide variety of painting, drawing, collage, and sculpture on view in this annual display. In addition, we are providing awards in the form of art supplies courtesy of Cafe Regis, in Red Lodge.
The judges for this year's show was Guild member artist Connie Herberg and Roosevelt Center Executive Director Kat Healy. We thank them for their time and support of the arts.
April 3-24, the show will be on view at the Arts Guild located at 11 West 8th Street in the historic train depot in Red Lodge. Hours are Thursday, Friday and Saturday 12-4 p.m.
The winner’s this year will receive art supplies courtesy of a sponsorship from Café Regis.
2D Winners
1st Place - Name Grade / School Title of Piece
Lily Machesseau K-1 Nye Three Houses
Wesley Miller 2 Fromberg Deer Country
Kailey Finley 3 Joliet Wayne Thiebaud Dessert
Rylee Lammiman 4 Mtn View Sunset
Laramie Indreland 5 Mtn View Mountains
Wess Martin 6 Nye Stillwater Morning
Kenzington Golden 7 Joliet Alien Environmental Adaptation
Annaliese Trapp 8 Roosevelt Bubbles
2nd Place – Name Grade / School Title of Piece
Ellory Stiegemeier K-1 Mtn View Rabbit
Peri Erickson 2 Mtn View Sunshine
Violet Machesseau 3 Nye Watermelon
Tiegan Wilcox 4 Fishtail Bison
Sammi Steele 5 Luther Crazy Quilt
Danika Erickson 6 Joliet Zen Tangle Landscape
Liam Salt 7 Roosevelt POW
Natalie Krenning 8 Fromberg My Horse Solo
3rd Place – Name Grade / School Title of Piece
Gracie Derk K-1 Fromberg Henry the Dog
Sophia Cavender 2 Fishtail American Marten
Guthry Dinsdale 3 Joliet Picasso Self-Portrait
Benny Williams 4 Fishtail Bighorn
Carter Emineth 5 Mtn View Dragon Eye
Rachel Reynolds 6 Roosevelt Eye
Abigail Swansbrough 7 Roberts Fruit
Will Oley 8 Roosevelt Mountains
3D – Winners
1st Place – Name Grade/School Title of Piece
Titus Welchel K-1 Nye Woven Wall Hanging
Blaike Martinez 2 Luther Joy Puppet
Adelaide Sechler 2 Luther Joy Puppet
Bailey Shettel 6 Joliet Pouch Weaving
Gabe Lauver 7 Roosevelt Matisse Dish
Wyatt Lowery 8 Fromberg Elk Ivory Necklace
2nd Place – Name Grade / School Title of Piece
Alexandria Sechler K-1 Luther Bobblehead
Elizabeth Schlemmer 6 Joliet Pouch Weaving
Gavin Dunlap 7 Roosevelt Burger
Annika Birrer 8 Fromberg Dragonfly
Honorable Mentions Grade / School Title of Piece
Harley Cox K-1 Fromberg Rainbow Animal Friends
Cooper Carrington K-1 Fromberg Carritorous Near the Volcano
Ari Tatro 2 Fromberg Dino Surprise
Bailey Bowman 2 Fromberg Kitty Tree
Synova Jones 3 Joliet Laurel Burch Dog
Brynhild Clark 3 Joliet Brynn’s Story Quilt
Leah Ebel 4 Mtn View Holidays
Aspen Hill 4 Mtn View Friends in a Mask
Jolissa Gray 4 Fishtail Pig
Kennedi Wagner 5 Mtn View Night
Nancy Leatherberry Carbajal 5 Mtn View Mountains
Isabella Walter 5 Joliet Animal Eye
Anna Rickbeil 6 Roosevelt Crazy Room
Grady Lowery 6 Fromberg Country Side
Linden Schenk 6 Joliet Pouch Weaving
Harper Kruckenberg 7 Roosevelt Tree
Ashton Old Dwarf 7 Fromberg In the Dust
Chole Evertz 7 Joliet Clay Fairy House
Quincee Hopkins 7 Roosevelt Ice Cream
Madylin Roascio 7 Roosevelt Cupcake
Addison Schuck 8 Roosevelt Tony Stark
Maren Moore 8 Roosevelt Self-Protrait
Alyson Kowalcyzk 8 Joliet Monochromatic Animal
Katie Reimer 8 Roosevelt Maverick
Avery Bauwens 8 Joliet Bobblehead