It's Hip 2B Square. And to celebrate the 8x8 Guild Members Exhibition AND the 6x6 Mystery Artist Community Show we are having a party.
There are amazing works in the 8x8 show. Paintings in all styles with prices for all budgets. This exhibition is considered "cash and carry" where you like it; you buy it, and you take it home that day.
The 6x6 show is being done for the first time. We have had terrific response from folks all over the area including visitors who sent in their canvases for the show. On view are 140 pieces.
For the 6x6 Mystery Artist Community Show, you simply get your name on the list for your favorite piece or pieces of art. At 5 p.m. we will spin a wheel and if your number is called out, the piece is yours for a $36 donation to the Arts Guild. When you purchase the piece is when you learn the name of the artist.
Gallery doors open at 10 a.m. for viewing both the 8x8 and the 6x6 work so you can come early to view the art and get your name on the pieces you like. The Hip 2B Square party is 4-6 p.m. and when refreshments will be served.
The exhibitions and the event is free and open to the public.